Thursday 17 January 2013

How To Care For - Body and Soul

Walking with Wolves

 The Mayan Calendar was said to have come to an end on the 21st December 2012 and therefore starting another 1300 years cycle or is it 13000 years? The Mayan culture follows lunar cycles and the energy of this new era is believed to be very much about bringing out our creative energy and restructuring our world through compassionate heartfelt understanding and unconditional love coming through our insights.   

What better gift of nature to teach us how to connect to the energy of the Moon than Wolves, the moon’s energy lights up the dark at night like our dreams come to us at night whilst we are asleep and resting.

 At the end of each cycle there comes a time of rest to enable us to rejuvenate ourselves. Whilst we are asleep our bodies recoup and our dreams come to us, What better time to rest our bodies and recoup our energy to start the next era than in the winter time when the nights are longer and the Moon shines the brightest.  

Wolves instinctively like to take a higher view, they do not like to be dominated by others – well lets face it they receive their insight from ‘Grandmother’ Moon.
Wolves, when they ‘feel’ they can trust you, will let you come close, but will not let you over-shadow them. They can respond to unconditional love, understanding and respect. Now does that sound a lot like you?  

Here is a picture I painted many moons ago, could it be for the new era?

Dream on, dream such sweet dreams!  

NOTE: This Unique Opportunity for You: 

I am giving those who ‘Care For’ an opportunity to write their own How To Care For....……….(fill in the dots, e.g. ‘your health’ Information) blog and have it posted on my blog spot on . Your website and / or details will be posted on my Resource page, just click on this link here to see the Resource page where there will be hyperlinks to your blog and to your website and / details. It will also be posted on the News page for a while. What you do is; Just put / paste ‘yes I would like to take up the offer to write a blog article' into the Contact form on the Home page and I will email you back details, easy!